Slump Overcome

Its been an odd time for me. I’ve been in a bit of a rut when it comes to losing weight. Now I know you cant lose every week and it cant be 3-5 lbs a week, but its been my first slump and it was a bit frustrating.

A few things caused this stop in my weight loss. One its only natural for your body to flat line at some point and need a change in diet or exercise. I made a small change to my diet, I stopped snacking without accounting for those little bites here and there. If I eat it I count it !

I also quit smoking. No I didn’t start eating more. But your body burns less calories a day (about 200) when you stop smoking because your heart rate drops. That happens because the your metabolism is going back to a normal rate. Your heart was working harder because of the extra stress it had for the smoking it had to deal with.

Then there was my activity level. It dropped dew to my loss of employment. I was no longer walking 8 hours a day which is great exercise. So my body had to adjust to that a bit, plus I had to lower my food intake to balance it all out. So what did I do? I got more active. Yeah I could have sat around and looked for jobs on the net all day but I needed to move. I hit the gym at least 4 times a week now that I have the time. Plus I’m trying new things at the gym. I used to do all cardio. Now I’ve started weight training again, trying yoga and Pilates. I plan to take some aerobic/strength classes as well. Its all about shocking the body.

I was stuck at 218 lbs for about  3-4 weeks and now have jumped down to 214 lbs. Hard work pays off.  Well I was just invited to a memorial day party this weekend. Like my previous posted mentioned I’m bringing my own food to eat. I may even hit the gym that morning to earn some extra food to eat. Enjoy the weekend !

Holiday Eating


American Holiday What’s missing from this picture ? The hamburgers, the hotdogs, potato salad and much much more…right? Well I could have chosen another picture with all the other good stuff, but doesn’t this one look just fine. Cant you look at it and think damn a slice of watermelon would be great right now.

For those of you looking to watch your weight during the holidays here’s a few tips.First if your going to a friends of family members house then you should have no issue bring a dish that you know works well for you and others to share. Make what you like, I’m sure you wont be the only one that likes to eat healthier foods. IT doesn’t matter to me whether your on weight watcher or any other diet, you need to eat what’s right for you

So what about the hamburgers and hotdogs ? I say eat them…. Just try it this way. Try 99% fat free hotdogs. They come in beef and pork. I happen to like the Ballpark Franks. For burgers choose to use 95% lean ground beef not pre-made frozen patties. Most important choose your buns wisely. Use light bread or multi grain with high fiber. Oh what if the host of party isn’t using anything like that at the party….BRING IT YOUSELF !

Dessert ? That’s easy stay away from the cakes and the ice creams. Then what don’t have any ? No silly eat fruit. yes fruit. Its so freaking good. What do you think makes those cakes and ice cream taste so good? Yeah the fruit or at least the artificial fruit flavoring. So why not have the real deal. Its much better and more filling.

Drinks well that’s a mixed bag. If it beer you seek then go with the light beers lower in calories. Myself Ill be downing seltzer water. I no some people cant drink that so if its soda you drink go with diet, or heck water on a nice hot day is always best.

OH…. Don’t forget the chicken breasts…. Yeah grilled chicken breast is always friendly at a BBQ. Just make sure no skin and that it doesn’t have to much sauce on it . ENJOY THE WEEKED MY FRIENDS !


Changing my Food intake a bit

So its been a odd time for my health habits. Last week (the one leading up to Easter) was pretty rough. I had what  I would consider 3 bad days of eating. Without going into detail the first two days weren’t to bad compared to Easter Sunday.

My family is straight of the boat from Italy and I sure as hell wasn’t going to contain myself with my mother and aunts cooking for the holiday. Needless to day I’m back on track and after all was said and done I some how dropped 3 pounds.

Ive been taking in a lot of fruit lately just because its good for me and filling. I can eat 3 cups of fruit a day and feel nice and full. I usually eat strawberries, grapes, pineapple, bananas and raspberries. YUMMY ! Now I’m using my fruit to eat more for less….sorta.

I normally eat 2 egg and cheese sandwiches for breakfast. By weight watches points value that equals 5 points. If I had 3  cups of fruit with that it would be 8 pts. Now this is what I’m doing now. The same two egg and cheese sandwiches, but instead of using a piece of cheese for each sandwich I now cook my 3 egg whites then rip up one cheese slice into the egg and do it omelet style. So less cheese means 1 point less. Plus putting the cheese in with the egg like an omelet makes it nice and cheesy.

Here’s the good part. Now we are down to a 4 point sandwich. Following me ? Good. Now Ill take 2 cups of fruit instead of 3 for 2 points and eat it with my sandwiches. So I dropped 1 point , but then add 2 more with fruit for a total of 6 points.

2 cups of fruit is a lot when eating it with something else. So now I have the  2 egg and cheese and fruit for breakfast. I was eating 5 points before, but now eating way more for 6 points.When it comes to food more is good !

Squeezing in another day !

Gym day is coming up again for me !  If I can only get one day a week in for now I’m happy because its on my day off when I’m doing nothing so it works out great for me. But what Id like to do is……

I want to get closer to the 220 pound mark (not to far off now) so that I can get back to some weight training. I definitely will not be going crazy like I did in my 20’s lifting heavy. I’m 38 I don’t need to to do that. I just need to balance out my weight loss with some tightening up of some loose skin by building some muscle that used to be around at one time.

You see I went through a lot of surgery a few years back and I had my abdomen cut open 5 times in about a years time. Its hard to come back a %100 from something like that physically.  I was always doing physical work before that until I got into retail management and softened up.

In high school I played football and became more into lifting weights. After school unlike most people I didn’t pursue any further education. I wanted to be a Professional Wrestler (yes like the fake stuff on TV) and I did ….sorta. You can imagine that lifting became a bigger part of my life then. I even experimented with the steroids. Yes I did and I’m not ashamed of it. It was incredible to tell you the truth, but it sure wasn’t good for my personality.

Now with all the ups and downs behind me, its time to start over on the ups. So that one day I can get into the gym for now is a big deal and just a small part of a new beginning. The big picture here is to get out of retail and into the health and fitness field.I enjoy helping people I just rather help them achieve their own physical goals then help them find something in  a store. I wanna be Weight Watchers meeting leader as well as a personal trainer.

I may never have the body of a “Greek God” or anything, but I also wont be training the next Mr Olympia either. Rather just people looking to get back in shape and that I,ll be able to help with 🙂

Great day at the Gym !


So I finally had a day off to myself. My 4 year old with the broken leg spent the day at his pre-school with his little buddies. So  I was set to have a relaxing day (until 2:30 at least). So my big plan was to hit the gym. What a great feeling was to go back and this what I did …….

I hit up 30 mins on the precor stepper or what ever you wanna call it. Then I walked my cool down for 10 mins then I hit the Pull-up/dip assist machine. I still dont want to start working out with weights till I hit 220 lbs, thats just a personal goal of mine. I decided though I need to get my muscles used to doing something physical again with the pull-ups I only did  50 of them though I dont wanna get to sore to the point I cant do anything else.

It felt great to get back to the gym after some time off with all my spare time devoted to my son in his cast. It was easy when the whole family could go to the gym together. God bless the YMCA for having quality child care. Soon Nicholas should be out of his cast (still in a wheel chair for a bit) and easier for other to look after like at the Y’s day care center. This way we can all get back to the gym together as family which makes it easier on all of us.

Happy Health Everyone !

Diet Soda ?

Long story short. Last I was playing online with some friends and we were talking about health stuff and working out. The fact that I drink way to much diet soda came up. Little did I know how bad diet soda is for some to drink as much as I do. I’m talking a 2 liters a day…at least.

As of this morning I am drinking seltzer water…..and you know what ? I like it. I really thought to myself this going to suck, but I guess your taste changes over time and for me I’m enjoying my new drink.

I’d like to thank my best friend of 20 + years Mark and good friend Patrick for just talking about the things in diet soda that are bad for you that I never knew about. It was an eye opener for me and with my new found love for being healthier over the past 5 months its just another great thing to add to my list of achievements.

Stay tuned for my MMA (mixed martial arts) training that Ill be starting soon…….

Thanks guys !

So Yummy So Yummy…(yes thats from Yo Gaba Gaba)

I need to do something today. I don’t workout home because I do get enough exercise at work during the week. I need to get to the gym. On my days off I’m home with 4 year old who happens to be in half body cast due to a broken leg, I pretty much do nothing. That needs to change. But for now lets talk food !

Today I had

Breakfast- 2 egg and cheese sandwiches….yes 2 !

3 egg whites 1 pt, 4 pcs of  WW whole wheat bread 2pts, 2 slices of WW cheese 2 pts !

Total for both 5 pts !

Lunch- WW rye bread 1 pt, WW cheese 1pt, 4oz chicken breast 4 pts , salad w/ fat free calorie free dressing 0 pts !

Total 6 pts !

Daily total so for 11 pts

now time for some carrots and grapes a cup each 0 pts !


One goal down two to go !

spinlock_dumbbell_bars_b1S0 I have obtained one of my biggest weight loss goals of losing 50 lbs (technically 60)! As of early October 2008 I was 290lbs, today I’m 227 lbs !  I achieved this goal to due t one very important fact, eating better with Weight Watchers.

I do have an active job in retail so being on me feet and on the move 8 hours a day really played a big part as well. I was going to the gym for some cardio on my days off, but with my littlest son in a spica cast Ive had a set back at the gym. Just a set back though. My next goal would be to start my weight training again when I reach 220 lbs.

My older son just learned to ride his two wheeler so I did by a bike to get out with him  and not to mention get a bit of exercise myself ! I’m not sure what my target weight is going to be, but I do know that when I get there is when the really hard part starts…..keeping it off. I’m not to worried about that because Ive decided two things that will change my life health wise and career wise. I’m going to work for Weight Watchers ! I’m retail because I like helping people not because I like working crazy hours or dealing with annoying bosses. So Id rather help people achieve what Ive worked so hard for. With all that I’m looking to becoming a certified personal trainer. Ive known how to workout for years , now its time to give back to others with my knowledge now that Ill be using  it as well 🙂

So 50 lbs down, 7 lbs to go before I hit the weights again (and not like I did when I was 20 years old , just enough to tighten up a bit) and that final goal…well I don’t know maybe the 180-190 mark. Time to buy a new belt !

Tracking my food


As member of weight watchers its very important to keep track of what your eating. I use the online etools to track my food as much as possible. Also if I can I’ll plan out as much of my eating for the day that I can. From there ill go on my ipod touch and bring up my daily plan on WW mobile site, then ill take a snap shot with my ipod of the screen so if I’m out with no wifi I can still bring up my planed out meals for the day to check on my points. Keeping track of your food is VERY important. Now Im off to the gym…..

I love freakin Hot Dogs !


Now I don’t eat Hot Dogs 24/7 or anything , I just happen to like them (the wife is repulsed by them …lol). Thing is I haven’t had any in a long time do to my change in eating. Well I just realized that they (oscar myers as well as others) make 97% fat free turkey franks. Yeah I know it didn’t sound all that good to me either but I bought em and gave it a shot. I must say that they weren’t bad at all. Its better then missing out during summer BBQ’s.